The call for nominations is now closed.
The EQUALS Global Partnership has closed nominations for the 2024 EQUALS in Tech Awards.
Every year, EQUALS invites nominations from committed and creative initiatives aiming to give women and girls equal access to the internet, the necessary digital skills, and career opportunities in the tech sector. EQUALS also recognizes its partners with the Special Recognition Partner Award. The awards give recognition from a global, multisector group of partners who share a commitment to gender equality in the digital age. Winners join a strong community of support and expand their networks.
Have questions? Check our Frequently Asked Questions, or email us at EQUALS@itu.int.
Help us showcase the work of building gender digital equality by nominating today!
About the #EQUALSinTech Awards
The annual EQUALS in Tech Awards are organized and presented by the EQUALS Global Partnership – a network of 100+ NGOs, private sector companies, international organizations and research institutions – whose founding partners include the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), UN Women, International Trade Centre, GSMA, and United Nations University. Together, the partnership works to bring the benefits of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to women and girls, and to help women succeed in the tech sector.
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LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/11354643
YouTube: youtube.com/c/EQUALSGlobalPartnership