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Cherie Blair Foundation for Women becomes official EQUALS Global Partner

The EQUALS Global Network Partnership is pleased to announce that the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women has become the latest official EQUALS Global Partner.

The Foundation strives to bring economic security to women through financial independence through support for the development of women’s micro, small and medium enterprises into growing and sustainable businesses.

Yet women entrepreneurs around the world still lack the business skills, technology, networks and access to financial services they need to be successful in the long term. The Foundation, therefore, provides support in these four key areas so that women can grow their businesses and create employment opportunities for others.

Helen McEachern, CEO of the Cherie Blair Foundation said: "Technological advances have changed the world beyond recognition over recent decades, but it’s clear that not everyone has been able to benefit from the 'digital dividends' of this revolution. Many women and girls are excluded from these life changing developments, which is why we are joining the EQUALS network. It’s only through global, cross-sectoral collaboration that we can tackle this new frontier of gender inequality."

"As a charity supporting women entrepreneurs around the world to thrive," she added, "we’ve seen the transformative and far-reaching difference access to technology can make to women’s lives and are thrilled to be part of EQUALS to drive this agenda forward."

The Foundation develops projects with sustainable solutions to the challenges women entrepreneurs face through three programmes:

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