In 2019, EQUALS held a voting process in which every partner had the opportunity to propose and vote on projects to undertake in 2020. Each project that was selected supports the mission and vision of the entire partnership.
Check back here and follow our social media channels for updates on the goals, methods and results of our 2020 projects.
Digital Literacy Pilot Programs
World Bank, the EQUALS Access Coalition and GSMA have come together to launch three digital literacy pilot programs focusing on women and girls in three African countries.
National EQUALS Access Coalition Initiative
Identify countries for coordinated action by Access Coalition partners. In these countries, increase access to and use of the internet for women.
Intersectional Accessibility
Examine ICT access and use and the acquisition of digital skills in relation to three areas of social disadvantage: disability, gender, and socioeconomic status.
Digital Ambassador Program
Increase digital literacy, access and use of online systems and services in Rwanda. Position young women and men as leaders of community and digital transformation in order to support employment and economic growth.
EQUALS Her Digital Skills
Free, gender transformative, foundational digital skills training, e-skills badges, and e-mentoring for one million women and girls by 2026
#eSkills4Girls Fund
Financial resources to local initiatives providing gender-sensitive skills training across countries in the Global South.
Gender-equitable Investments in Tech
Provide a portfolio of policy, guidance, consensus and awareness building tools and efforts to address the disparity in entrepreneurial funding for women in tech.
What Makes for a Female Leader in the Digital Economy?
Identify traits of a female leader in the digital economy, and inform the tech industry how to empower women and identify the next generation of emerging female talent.
SheTrades Invest
Prepare women in the tech sector to meet the needs of investors and secure investment leads.
Fairness AI
Detect bias such as sexism and ageism in AI and develop a "fairness AI."
Gender-disaggregated Data on ICTs in Africa
Determine the extent to which African countries collect sex-disaggregated data on ICTs. Identify ways to improve the capacity of national statistics offices to collect gender data.
Young Women Networks Promoting Gender-sensitive Technology
Analyze Latin American young women’s networks and NGOs devoted to the promotion and support of tech and entrepreneur skills for girls and young women.